Regi Widmer grew up in South Africa and Switzerland. She has always loved to draw and invent stories. As a child, she wanted to become a storyteller or fly to Mars. Instead, she first became a primary school teacher and a globetrotter. Later, she studied design and art at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, where she graduated in Illustration Fiction in 2010. Today, she works as a freelance picture book creator. In her spare time, she enjoys sitting under trees, listening to birds, and painting. She lives with her family in Muttenz, near Basel, Switzerland.
Regi Widmer
Bahnhofstr. 21
4132 Muttenz
Wald entdecken - Wurzeln wecken non-fiction picture book with Andrew Bond, (2024), Atlantis Kinderbuch
Willkommen im Restaurant picture book with Andrea Külling, (2023), Baeschlin
Überfall aufs Samichlaushaus picture book with Andrea Külling, (2021), Baeschlin
Die Savannenkicker picture book (2020), Orell Füssli Kinderbuch
Sibe Sibeschlööfer song picture book with Andrew Bond (2018), GrossenGaden Verlag
Zeichner als Reporter Community publication (2015), Cristoph Merian Verlag
Klara und Sebastian First reading picture booklet (2000), Orell Füssli Verlag
Nomination for the Serafina - Young Talent Award for Illustration 2020
Illustrator of the month in the magazine “Eselsohr” December 2020
Member of Autillus - Association of Children's books-creators Switzerland
Member of Syndicom - Swiss Illustrators’ Union
Member of SIKJM - Swiss Institute for Children and Youth Media
Member of Baobab books
Co-director of “Picture Books Talks” at Proviant, Basel
Member of the Executive Board of the "Bücherpause association", Alt.St. Johann
Boloclub - Friend since first Bolo-hours